Dictionary of Arguments

Philosophical and Scientific Issues in Dispute

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The author or concept searched is found in the following 1 entries.
Disputed term/author/ism Author
Darwinism McGinn II 98
Design argument/William Paley: organisms have a brilliant design: We have not designed them, so we have to assume that a foreign intelligence did it. Let us call this intelligence "God". So God exists. DarwinVsPaley: intelligent design does not require a Creator. Selection is sufficient.
Mind/Consciousness/Evolution/McGinn: evolution does not explain consciousness - nor sensations.
>Evolution, >Consciousness.
II 99
Reason: sensation and consciousness cannot be explained through the means of Darwinian principles and physics, because if selection were to explain how sensations are supposed to be created by it, it must be possible to mold the mind from matter.
II 100
((s) Consciousness or sensations would have to be visible for selection.) (Similar GouldVsDawkins). >Selection, >Selection/Gould, >Selection/Dawkins.

McGinn I
Colin McGinn
Problems in Philosophy. The Limits of Inquiry, Cambridge/MA 1993
German Edition:
Die Grenzen vernünftigen Fragens Stuttgart 1996

McGinn II
C. McGinn
The Mysteriouy Flame. Conscious Minds in a Material World, New York 1999
German Edition:
Wie kommt der Geist in die Materie? München 2001

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