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Categories Pinker I 381
Categories/PinkerVsTradition: Urge to classify not because the memory is limited. Tradition: without order chaos would reign.
>Classification, >Order, >Memory, >Information processing.
PinkerVs: Organization is pointless for its own sake.
Solution: Only with categories it is possible to draw conclusions (inferences) - most categories are in the middle: E.g. "rabbit", not "cottontail" or "mammal".
I 386
George Lakoff (linguist) VsCategories: there are no clear, pure fictions, they must be abolished - PinkerVsLakoff: rules are just idealizations. >George Lakoff.
I 386
Categories/Gould: it is a mistake, to force extinct animals into categories. Pinker: difficult is the classification on the stump where a branch was cut off.
I 402f
Categories/Folk Psychology/Pinker: Vs is assumed to be essentialist: taxonomies all over the world look similar to the tree structure of Linné. >Structures, >Classification.
I 404
But there is no age in which children are essentialists with respect to artifacts: E.g. a coffeepot turned into a birdhouse is referred to by everyone as a birdhouse. >Artifacts, >Essentialism, >Folk psychology.

Pi I
St. Pinker
How the Mind Works, New York 1997
German Edition:
Wie das Denken im Kopf entsteht München 1998

Classification Pinker I 381
Categories/PinkerVsTradition: Urge to classify not because the memory is limited. Tradition: without order chaos would reign.
>Classification, >Order, >Memory, >Information processing.
PinkerVs: Organization is pointless for its own sake.
Solution: Only with categories it is possible to draw conclusions (inferences) - most categories are in the middle: E.g. "rabbit", not "cottontail" or "mammal".
I 386
George Lakoff (linguist) VsCategories: there are no clear, pure fictions, they must be abolished - PinkerVsLakoff: rules are just idealizations. >George Lakoff.
I 386
Categories/Gould: it is a mistake, to force extinct animals into categories. Pinker: difficult is the classification on the stump where a branch was cut off.

Pi I
St. Pinker
How the Mind Works, New York 1997
German Edition:
Wie das Denken im Kopf entsteht München 1998

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