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Biopolitics Foucault Brocker I 833
Biopolitics/MuhleVsAgamben/Foucault: While Agamben's entanglement of biopolitics and sovereign power sees itself as a paradigm of modern politics and as the development of a political rationality - the rationality of exception - Foucault's concept of biopolitics(1) takes into account the fact that the history of political power is always determined by discontinuities and heterogeneous forms of power. In this sense, a differentiating investigation of the biopolitical mechanisms of power, i.e. their functioning and their objects, as Foucault sees it, provides a better understanding of contemporary forms of power than Agamben's analyses, which can then be followed by a political attitude.
>Power, >Governance.

1. Vgl. Foucault, Sexualität und Wahrheit, Bd. 1: Der Wille zum Wissen, Frankfurt/M. 1977.

Maria Muhle, „Giorgio Agamben, Homo sacer – Die souveräne Macht und das nackte Leben“, in: Manfred Brocker (Hg.) Geschichte des politischen Denkens. Das 20. Jahrhundert. Frankfurt/M. 2018

Foucault I
M. Foucault
Les mots et les choses: Une archéologie des sciences humaines , Paris 1966 - The Order of Things: An Archaeology of the Human Sciences, New York 1970
German Edition:
Die Ordnung der Dinge. Eine Archäologie der Humanwissenschaften Frankfurt/M. 1994

Foucault II
Michel Foucault
l’Archéologie du savoir, Paris 1969
German Edition:
Archäologie des Wissens Frankfurt/M. 1981

Brocker I
Manfred Brocker
Geschichte des politischen Denkens. Das 20. Jahrhundert Frankfurt/M. 2018
Camps Agamben Brocker I 822
Camp/Agamben: the form (Agamben: "topology") that the political takes on through the introduction of the concept of "naked life" is that of the "camp": the camp "as a biopolitical paradigm of modernity" ("nomos of modernity" (1)) See State/Agamben, Life/Agamben.
Brocker I 828
The camp appears as a hidden paradigm of the political space of modernism. This becomes understandable when one interprets politics as biopolitics, which is about "naked" life - in contrast to a policy that regards the citizen as a subject. The camp refers to political structures of the state of emergency (see Exception/Terminology/Agamben). As examples of "camps" Agamben cites reception camps for refugees or, for example, Guantanamo in Cuba: ultimately rooms without law. VsAgamben: In this context Agamben was accused of historical inadequacy: his thesis establishes a comparability between events that are not historically and ethically comparable.
AgambenVsVs/Muhle: his thesis must be taken seriously as a structural thesis insofar as it refers to the fact that states of emergency and thus lawless spaces can also be produced within the borders of Western democracies that are consolidated under the rule of law, and thus here too naked life emerges as the original political subject.
Brocker I 829
Camp/Agamben: it is about understanding the camp not as an "anomaly" of the past, but rather "as a hidden matrix, as nómos of the political space in which we still live today". (2) It should be emphasized here that the camps do not emerge from ordinary law, nor that they are a form of prison law, but that they are "derived from the state of emergency and martial law". The camp offers a "permanent spatial institution" (3) for the otherwise temporary state of emergency.
1.Giorgio Agamben, Homo sacer. Il potere sovrano e la nuda vita, Torino 1995. Dt.: Giorgio Agamben, Homo sacer – Die souveräne Macht und das nackte Leben, Frankfurt/M. 2002, s. 175.
2. Ibid.
3. Ibid. p. 178
Maria Muhle, „Giorgio Agamben, Homo sacer – Die souveräne Macht und das nackte Leben“, in: Manfred Brocker (Ed.) Geschichte des politischen Denkens. Das 20. Jahrhundert. Frankfurt/M. 2018

Agamben I
Giorgio Agamben
Homo sacer – Die souveräne Macht und das nackte Leben Frankfurt 2002

Brocker I
Manfred Brocker
Geschichte des politischen Denkens. Das 20. Jahrhundert Frankfurt/M. 2018
Politics Agamben Brocker I 826
Politics/The Political/Agamben: it is impossible to determine the sphere of the political by binding a positive norm or a social pact. The treaty, which marks the transition from nature to law, is replaced by the ban as an original politico-juridic relationship, which makes any transition from nature to culture impossible and contradicts the clear separation of natural and political life: "The ban is in the strict sense the simultaneously attracting and repulsive force that connects the two poles of the sovereign exception: naked life and power, the homo sacer and the sovereign". (1) (See Sovereignty/Agamben, on the concept of exception: Terminology/Agamben).
Brocker I 827
The exceptional conditions infect politics as a whole and this mutates into an administration of states of emergency; this is Agamben's central insight. As examples of "camps" Agamben cites reception camps for refugees or, for example, Guantanamo in Cuba: ultimately rooms without law.
VsAgamben: In this context Agamben was accused of historical inadequacy: his thesis establishes a comparability between events that are not historically and ethically comparable.
AgambenVsVs/Muhle: his thesis must be taken seriously as a structural thesis insofar as it refers to the fact that states of emergency and thus lawless spaces can also be produced within the borders of Western democracies that are consolidated under the rule of law, and thus here too naked life emerges as the original political subject.

1. Giorgio Agamben, Homo sacer. Il potere sovrano e la nuda vita, Torino 1995. Dt.: Giorgio Agamben, Homo sacer – Die souveräne Macht und das nackte Leben, Frankfurt/M. 2002.

Maria Muhle, „Giorgio Agamben, Homo sacer – Die souveräne Macht und das nackte Leben“, in: Manfred Brocker (Ed.) Geschichte des politischen Denkens. Das 20. Jahrhundert. Frankfurt/M. 2018

Agamben I
Giorgio Agamben
Homo sacer – Die souveräne Macht und das nackte Leben Frankfurt 2002

Brocker I
Manfred Brocker
Geschichte des politischen Denkens. Das 20. Jahrhundert Frankfurt/M. 2018

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