Economics Dictionary of Arguments

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 Jean-Paul Sartre - Economics Dictionary of Arguments
Jean-Paul Sartre (1905-1980), French philosopher, playwright, novelist, screenwriter, political activist, biographer, and literary critic. His major works include Nausea (1938), Being and Nothingness (1943), and No Exit (1944). His fields of specialization were philosophy, existentialism, literature, and politics.

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Author Item    More authors for concept
Sartre, Jean-Paul Camus   Camus
Sartre, Jean-Paul Consciousness   Consciousness
Sartre, Jean-Paul Photography   Photography
Sartre, Jean-Paul Self   Self
Sartre, Jean-Paul Self- Identification   Self- Identification

Authors A   B   C   D   E   F   G   H   I   J   K   L   M   N   O   P   Q   R   S   T   U   V   W   Z  

Concepts A   B   C   D   E   F   G   H   I   J   K   L   M   N   O   P   Q   R   S   T   U   V   W   Z  

Ed. Martin Schulz, access date 2025-02-08