Psychology Dictionary of Arguments

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Texts: A text is a written or printed piece of language-based communication, ranging from individual words to longer passages or documents, conveying information, ideas, or stories. See also Language, Writing, Information, Communication, Meaning, Words, Word meaning, Sentence meanging, Literature, Culture, Cultural transmission.
Annotation: The above characterizations of concepts are neither definitions nor exhausting presentations of problems related to them. Instead, they are intended to give a short introduction to the contributions below. – Lexicon of Arguments.

Author Concept Summary/Quotes Sources

Roland Barthes on Texts - Dictionary of Arguments

Röttger-Denker I 35
Text/Body: Geno Text: the text body: are the spots, scratches, splashes on the images of Cy Twombly.
Röttger-Denker I 37
Twombly: Twombly has often drawn in the dark. He trusted his hand.
Text/Barthes: Barthes emphasizes the inbetween in the text.
, >Interpretation, >Meaning, >Metaphor, >Sign, >Hermeneutics/Gadamer, >Hermeneutics/Ricoeur.
Röttger-Denker I 41
Text/writing/scripture/S/Z/Barthes: "the writable" is the basic value. Binary code: Writable readable (scriptible lisible).
Röttger-Denker I 42
The writable: writable is the Romanesque without the novel, the poetry without the poem, the essay without the representation, the writing without the style, the production without the product, the structuring without the structure."
Text/Barthes: (> Barthes Vs Tel Quel Group) the text desires me. The writing that includes the body, the body of lust.
Röttger-Denker I 67
Twombly: here the distinction between écriture/peinture has become questionable. Barthes: Barthes brings Twombly's pictures in the context of the Satori (Zen experience), which causes the recognition, the subject to shift. It causes an emptiness in the language. The signifiers exchange themselves, in body, face and writing.
Zen Master: "the mind of the perfect human is like a mirror. It does not hold on, but it does not refuse. He accepts, but he does not stop."
Röttger-Denker I 72
Twombly/Barthes: he looks at his pictures in terms of the event. As a kind of theater, it is phenomenologically structured. Factum, chance, outcome, surprise, action. "The writing cannot find shelter, it is absolutely superfluous." The flower has been written down, then written away. ((s)> Serres). Twombly's unfinished pictures invite the viewer to co-produce. stroke: "Trace of his drive".
Röttger-Denker I 77
Text/Barthes: The pleasure in the text (early work): here, above all, the connection between body and language was relevant, not as in tradition, the context of meaning and language.
Röttger-Denker I 103
Text/writing/photography/Barthes: Barthes admits that his real desire is to ban the absence of the mother by writing. "Jardin d 'hiver" Photography: here the mother of Barthes is depicted as a five-year-old girl. Ecstatic certainty: écriture, Satori.
Röttger-Denker I 146
Text/Barthes: the text cannot tell. It carries my body somewhere else.

Explanation of symbols: Roman numerals indicate the source, arabic numerals indicate the page number. The corresponding books are indicated on the right hand side. ((s)…): Comment by the sender of the contribution. Translations: Dictionary of Arguments
The note [Concept/Author], [Author1]Vs[Author2] or [Author]Vs[term] resp. "problem:"/"solution:", "old:"/"new:" and "thesis:" is an addition from the Dictionary of Arguments. If a German edition is specified, the page numbers refer to this edition.

Barthes I
R. Barthes
Mythologies: The Complete Edition, in a New Translation New York 2013

Röttger I
Gabriele Röttger-Denker
Roland Barthes zur Einführung Hamburg 1997

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