Economics Dictionary of Arguments

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Quantum mechanics: is a partial discipline of physics, dealing with processes at the level of elementary particles. Here, principles which cannot be observed at the level of everyday objects are valid. The special forces and interactions that prevail within the quantum world are not to be found on the macro level. See also superposition, entanglement, uncertainty principle.
Annotation: The above characterizations of concepts are neither definitions nor exhausting presentations of problems related to them. Instead, they are intended to give a short introduction to the contributions below. – Lexicon of Arguments.

Author Concept Summary/Quotes Sources

Hennig Genz on Quantum Mechanics - Dictionary of Arguments

II 118
Quantum Mechanics/Genz: quantum mechanics denies the simultaneous possibility of these three principles:
1. location,
2. possibility of independent coincidences in separate areas and
3. induction.
II 235
Observation/principle/formula/equation/Genz: at the beginning of quantum mechanics there were two purely mathematical observations which could not be traced back to any principle:
1. Planck's formula for heat radiation and
2. the formula for the hydrogen spectrum.
Justification: justification consisted solely of delivering correct results.
Quantum Mechanics/principles/Genz:
1. principle of quantum mechanics: the first principle is entanglement. Thesis: nearly everything is interwoven with anything. Even more profoundly: there are no localizable quantum states.
II 236
Remote effect/QWM/message/information/Genz: due to the "remote effect" (from the interconnection) no messages can be transmitted.
2. Principle of quantum mechanics: no message can be transmitted instantaneously.
The two principles together are very close to a contradiction. It follows from this that both together are very powerful.
Derivation/principle/Genz: so far, it has not been possible to derive quantum mechanics as the only possible realization of its two principles.
II 238
John Bell/quantum mechanics/Genz: John Bell has shown that quantum mechanics does not allow a choice of the frequencies that result in what is observed. The relative frequencies come out wrong.
The predictions of quantum mechanics contradict what Bell derived from principles. Quantum mechanics, however, is the best confirmed theory that exists.
>Bell's inequation.
II 241
Effects/transmission/transfer of effects/energy/quantum mechanics/Genz: a special feature of the transfer of effects in quantum mechanics, through which no messages (information) can be transmitted, is that no energy is transmitted.
>Information, >Energy.
II 245
Effect/non-locality/Genz: in quantum mechanics, effects (no messages) can be transmitted instantaneously.
II 246
Principles/quantum mechanics/Genz: quantum mechanics can be derived entirely from principles that contradict everyday experience. So far, we only know which principles cannot exist together.
II 286
Quantum Mechanics/classical physics/Genz: it is mainly the variables describing the states that are different:
In quantum mechanics it is the: wave function
In classical physics it is: places and velocities.
This is not about deterministic or non-deterministic.
>Determinism, >Wave function.

Explanation of symbols: Roman numerals indicate the source, arabic numerals indicate the page number. The corresponding books are indicated on the right hand side. ((s)…): Comment by the sender of the contribution. Translations: Dictionary of Arguments
The note [Concept/Author], [Author1]Vs[Author2] or [Author]Vs[term] resp. "problem:"/"solution:", "old:"/"new:" and "thesis:" is an addition from the Dictionary of Arguments. If a German edition is specified, the page numbers refer to this edition.

Gz I
H. Genz
Gedankenexperimente Weinheim 1999

Henning Genz
Wie die Naturgesetze Wirklichkeit schaffen. Über Physik und Realität München 2002

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