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Seeing: In philosophy, the following questions related to seeing are interesting. The nature of perception, the relationship between perception and knowledge, the role of vision in human experience. See also Perception, Sensory impressions, Experience, Knowledge, Art, Artworks, Aesthetics, Aesthetic perception._____________Annotation: The above characterizations of concepts are neither definitions nor exhausting presentations of problems related to them. Instead, they are intended to give a short introduction to the contributions below. – Lexicon of Arguments. | |||
Author | Concept | Summary/Quotes | Sources |
Steven Pinker on Seeing - Dictionary of Arguments
I 42 Seeing/machine/Pinker: "ill-posed problem": inverse optics: to compose an object of pixels - analog: ambiguous factorization. I 178 Seeing/Pinker: field of vision with thousands of processors, for color, others for shape - layer above it: processors that only mark the points that differ from their neighbors. Separation of the layers, because it is impossible to distribute detectors for connections to all places (because too many types of connection). >Visual field/Psychology. Hence, the connections are combinational - Thesis: the combinations are created deliberately. - in memory wrong combination of colors and shapes. >Memory. I 269 Definition seeing/David Marr: solution of badly posed problems by adding assumptions - creates a description that is useful, and not overloaded with irrelevant information. (Description in mentalese). >Language of thought/mentalese. Illusions/Pinker: make assumptions visible with which the selection has endowed us. >Deception. Representation/Pinker: not in the form of retinal images but in form of objects and spatial relations. >Representation. I 293 Marr: Solution: Probability: not all possible combinations occur in the world as frequent as others. - The visual line ends in the environment mostly on a surface, which is not much further away than the neighboring surface. Some units only turn on when they receive the same input from both eyes. I 298 Seeing/gene/Pinker: genes, cannot foresee the final removal of ocular points, therefore, seeing is not learned, but first needs to be developed. I 303 For three-dimensional seeing you do not need two eyes. I 317 Seeing/shape/color/Pinker: Professionals for tasks: form, color, lighting (angle, reflections, shading).Assumptions: regularity before irregularity, homogeneity, few gray areas. >Regularities. I 324 Seeing/PinkerVsGombrich: contrarily to the widely held view we do not see what we expect to see. >Seeing/Ernst H. Gombrich, >Perception/Ernst H. Gombrich. I 326 Seeing/Marr: "two-and-half-dimensional sketch": spatial depth is cut back half a dimension. - Because it does not define the medium in which the information is held. >Media. I 327 Seeing/frame of reference/Pinker: for the use of information it is not important, that it is reformed, but that it is collected correctly - which requires a frame of reference or coordinate system. This must be carried along- therefore copies of the images must be made. >Reference system. I 334 Seeing/Pinker: objects have the ability to get frames of references themselves - an adult knows the names of 10,000 obejects, most of them he recognizes by shape. Memory/Marr: makes use of the reference frame of the retina - not oriented towards object itself, otherwise save each perspective individually. >Memory. I 366 Form/shape/Seeing/Biederman: Theory of Geons: Geon: cube, bow, handles, cuboid, pyramid, buckets, etc. MarrVs/PinkerVs - Geons make lollis out of all - face recognition is impossible. Cf. >Gestalt-psychology, >Gestalt-theory. I 342 Seeing/Pinker: new: perhaps only 40 aspects of objects stored, instead of as previously believed 40,000 - crucial: up/down. Africa lying on its side is not recognized - VsGeons: we can turn objects in our mind._____________Explanation of symbols: Roman numerals indicate the source, arabic numerals indicate the page number. The corresponding books are indicated on the right hand side. ((s)…): Comment by the sender of the contribution. Translations: Dictionary of Arguments The note [Concept/Author], [Author1]Vs[Author2] or [Author]Vs[term] resp. "problem:"/"solution:", "old:"/"new:" and "thesis:" is an addition from the Dictionary of Arguments. If a German edition is specified, the page numbers refer to this edition. |
Pi I St. Pinker How the Mind Works, New York 1997 German Edition: Wie das Denken im Kopf entsteht München 1998 |